Web cookies for webmasters

Hello Webmaster! Probably you are already informed about EU cookie law. This law is a piece of privacy legislation that requires EU websites to get consent from visitors to store or retrieve any information (including cookies) on a computer, mobile phone, tablet or other smart device.

So if you have website in EU or you have visitors from EU then there are some requirements you have to do with your website to comply with this cookie law.

There are many solutions on web (like cookiechoices.org or ec.europa.eu), I prepared this minimized simple solution for most of my websites, where I use only adsense third party cookies. It took me few hours to understand and prepare it, so I decided to share with others colleagues, You may save few hours :-) Let's start:

1.) You need a noticeable cookie consent information text, where you inform visitor that your website is using cookies.

Few examples for text in this message:
This website uses cookies to help provide you with the best internet experience. By continuing to use this website, you consent to the use of cookies.
We use cookies on our site to improve your experience. Continue to use our site as normal if you agree with this, otherwise [click here] to change your settings.
This website uses cookies to give you the best web experience possible, and to provide a personalised service and improve our site. [Agree] or [Find out more].
Google serves cookies to analyse traffic to this site. Information about your use of our site is shared with Google for that purpose. [See details] [OK]
This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. [Accept] [Read More]
OR (my favourite :-)
This website uses cookies. [Agree], [More info]

If visitor clicks on [Agree], cookie remembers his agreement and message don't popup any more.
But if visitor click on [More info] you have to give him additional information (read step 2 for details)

My solution for cookie consent popup (used on this site too):
Download ZIP 36 kb

After download the ZIP, "to do" list:


2.) As I mentioned above, if visitor click on "agree", you have his agreement to cookie usage.
BUT if visitor clicks on "more info", you have to inform users about the use of cookies in plain, jargon-free language in a dedicated "cookie policy" page linked from the cookie consent toolbar.

What should this "cookie policy" page contain?
- provide information that your site uses cookies.
- what are cookies
- how do you use cookies
- how to control/delete cookies

If you have simple site, where you use only Google Adsense cookies you can use Cookie Policy template I built.
Example: http://webcookies.net/en.php?title=yourwebsite.com&ad=1&an=0&gm=0&fb=0&yt=0

This template is available in few other languages too:
EN, HU, RU, SR (more will be added soon)

Link generator to cookie policy you can find on this page.

Notices, sources, links

My solution may be not enough into all countries, if necessary, visit ec.europa.eu for more information or consult a technology lawyer. Read the terms of use page too.